Academy | Under 5's and 6's
We had a great bunch of lads this season, roughly split two-thirds/one-third between Year 1s and Reception Class. It meant playing the match at the end could be a bit tricky with the stronger ones dominating the play but everyone seemed to enjoy it and individuals had their chance to shine during the training exercises.
We started with Fox and Chickens, a game we all enjoyed—and a good warmer-upper on those cold wet morn-ings. The weather took its toll, with as few as three turning up on one day.
But 11-13 was our regular attendance and that meant we could make real progress. Picture the Freestyle warm up we did after Easter, the boys can pass through the arcs, dribble round the poles, have the confidence to beat the shark and do a turn in front of the dummy. I do love it in a match when they use a crafty drag-back to create some space or to get out of trouble!
The Pass and Move Circle taught how to pass and receive the ball, Conflict-8 showed them how to dribble, turn and hold the ball, and Corner Practise how to strike a moving ball.
My thanks go to everyone who has helped and supported this season, but especially David who has coached the lads along-side me all year. David has agreed to take the new under 7 team “Dynamos” next season, so the Year 2s will be with him.
I will take the Academy again, so returning Year 1s will be with me. We will start on 8th September. Mean-while, I wish everyone a wonderful summer—keep practicing those skills!
Kevin Bennet
Head of Academy