As you are all aware, we are in unprecedented times and our own league, the Chiltern Church Junior League, has taken the decision to suspend all matches until at least 25th April. This seems like the only sensible decision to take right now in light of the continued uncertainty about Coronavirus and its wider impact. It is a decision that we fully support at Holy Trinity Juniors FC.

Whether or not playing football outside presents a significant risk to players, ourselves and supporters we do not really know, but we feel that anything that an organisation can do to limit potential exposure is the right course of action.
In light of this, I am disappointed to tell you that we have decided to cancel our Hazlemere Sixes Tournament for this season. It’s not a decision we have taken lightly, but we feel it is the only sensible decision to make. We believe that removing the potential for any transmission whilst participating in events organised by Holy Trinity Juniors is morally the right thing to do. We all love football, but there are bigger things at stake here. We don’t want any single player, or parent, or carer, to even feel remotely pressured into attending an event when they don’t want to.
I hope you understand and support the decision. One of the worst things right now is uncertainty, so by taking this decision we have removed that from one part of people’s lives. We will be issuing full refunds to those that have already entered the tournament over the coming days.
We very much hope to see you next year when, hopefully, normal life has resumed.
Take care and thank you for your support.
All the very best,
Drew Wotherspoon
Holy Trinity Juniors FC